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Streamline supplier data management with Canopy: Achieve seamless ERP integration

Efficiently manage and integrate supplier data into your ERP system with Canopy's automated solutions. Eliminate manual errors, save time, and ensure compliance across multiple ERPs, all while enhancing your appeal as a customer of choice for your suppliers.

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Automate ERP integration, reduce errors, save time, and ensure compliance with Canopy

The consequences of inaccuracies, delays, and inefficiencies during this integration can ripple throughout your organisation, disrupting operations, affecting compliance, and potentially leading to significant financial losses. Fortunately, Canopy provides a comprehensive solution that automates and optimises supplier information management, seamlessly integrating it into your ERP system via our Vendor Master Record.


Eliminate the hassles of manual data entry

For many organisations, the ERP system is the central supplier information repository. However, retrieving up-to-date insights on critical factors such as insurance coverage, qualifications, risk assessments, and compliance can be arduous. Manual data entry, while a common practice, is not only labour-intensive but also highly susceptible to errors. These errors can lead to outdated or inaccurate information being stored, which can ultimately compromise the quality and reliability of decision-making.


Canopy revolutionises this critical process by automating the creation and updating of supplier records directly within your ERP system. By removing the need for manual intervention, our solution ensures that data remains accurate, timely, and consistent, thereby reducing the risk of errors and significantly enhancing overall data integrity.


Simplified and flexible automation workflows

Directly integrating automation into an ERP system is often perceived as a costly and inflexible undertaking. Custom-built solutions require substantial investment and are frequently difficult to adapt as business needs evolve. As a result, companies can find themselves tethered to outdated workflows that no longer align with their operational requirements.


Canopy offers a flexible, efficient alternative to traditional methods. Leveraging APIs and batch processing, Canopy enables the creation of automated workflows that seamlessly integrate with your ERP system. This approach allows you to streamline operations, reduce manual workloads, and guarantee that your ERP system is consistently populated with the most current supplier data.


Save time, minimise errors, and ensure compliance

Onboarding a new supplier through conventional ERP systems is notoriously time-consuming. For example, it can take up to 30 minutes to complete a supplier onboarding task in a system like SAP. This prolonged process consumes valuable resources and increases the likelihood of errors—mistakes that can have far-reaching effects, such as engaging with non-compliant suppliers or experiencing delays in critical supply chain activities.


Canopy drastically accelerates the supplier onboarding process, reducing it from 30 minutes to just a few minutes. This significant time saving, coupled with the elimination of errors through automation, ensures that only accurate and compliant supplier information is entered into your system.


Seamless integration across multiple ERPs

In the wake of mergers and acquisitions, companies often find themselves managing multiple ERP systems simultaneously. Integrating and synchronising data across these disparate systems can be a highly complex and time-intensive challenge, usually necessitating substantial IT resources and extensive custom development.


Canopy simplifies this intricate process by facilitating seamless communication between different ERP systems. Our API is designed to push and pull data across multiple ERPs in real-time, enabling your organisation to manage supplier information efficiently across various platforms. This capability saves time and ensures that data consistency is maintained throughout your organisation.


Become the customer of choice

During periods of crisis or heightened demand, the balance of power can quickly shift in favour of suppliers. In such scenarios, becoming a customer of choice can provide your organisation with a substantial competitive edge. Suppliers are more inclined to prioritise orders and nurture strong relationships with easy-to-work-with companies.


Canopy not only streamlines your internal processes but also makes it more convenient for suppliers to engage with your business. By simplifying data submission and ensuring swift, error-free onboarding, Canopy enhances your attractiveness as a customer. This competitive advantage can make all the difference in fast-paced markets, ensuring that your company remains at the forefront of your suppliers' priorities and ahead of the curve.


Canopy is your complete solution for effective supplier relationship management

Canopy has tiered modules for Data Management, Supplier Onboarding, and Lifecycle Management. These modules are designed to give small procurement teams complete visibility of supplier data and eliminate manual admin from supply chain operations, improving overall Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).

  • Supplier Data Management: No more scattered data. Configurable Vendor Master Records ensure one source of truth. Maximum visibility, minimal admin. Access supplier data effortlessly.​ Free 14-day trial. Then just £99/month*.

  • Supplier Onboarding: Streamline supplier onboarding. Automates intake, due diligence, and approvals. Suppliers maintain their data. Get notified of their actions. Eliminate admin, maximise efficiency.​ Fast to install, easy to use onboarding.

  • Supplier Lifecycle Management: Monitor supplier risk, performance, and compliance. Automate actions per business rules. Manage availability in ERP, and safeguard against non-compliance and poor performance. Complete supply chain control

To find out more about Canopy SRM, contact one of the team members today.



Post by Doug McLean

Doug is an experienced business leader and the Founder of Canopy (OCG Software), the rules-based Supplier Relationship Management platform. OCG Software is a technology company with over twenty years of experience in procurement. Leveraging our expertise and customer-focused approach, OCG Software developed Canopy as a SaaS solution for supplier management.


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